February 2021 Volunteer Monitor Program Report

The Volunteer Monitor (VM) Program is a joint initiative between ARRL and the FCC to enhance compliance in the Amateur Radio Service.

To date, Volunteer Monitors during February reported 1,762 hours monitoring the HF frequencies and 2,158 hours monitoring VHF frequencies and above. The Volunteer Monitor Coordinator issued 10 Advisory Notices. An Advisory Notice is an attempt to resolve rule violation issues informally before requesting FCC intervention.

·         Operators in Holdenville, Oklahoma; Luzerne, Michigan; Miami, Florida, and Merrick, New York, received Advisories concerning operation outside their license class.

·         Operators in Megalia, California; Jefferson, Georgia; and Redway, California, received Advisories concerning interference to repeater systems and HF net operations.

·         An operator in Mansford, Arkansas, received an Advisory regarding failure to properly identify.

·         An operator in Charlottesville, Virginia, received an Advisory concerning improper bandwidth that resulted in interference.

·         A desert racing association in Odessa, Texas, received a warning about the use of amateur 2-meter frequencies for racing events.

The Volunteer Monitor Coordinator had two meetings during February with FCC Enforcement Bureau personnel. — Thanks to Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, VM Program Coordinator 


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