The 10th anniversary of Maritime Radio Day (MRD) will take place from 1200 UTC on April 14 to 2200 UTC on April 15. The annual event commemorates nearly 90 years of wireless service for seafarers. Radio amateurs and shortwave listeners are welcome and should register in advance by April 1.
Stations such as coastal radio stations and ships may participate only if operated by former commercial or Navy operators, or by radio technicians who worked on the installation and/or maintenance of naval equipment. Former Merchant Marine Radio Operators or former Ship’s Electronic Technicians are encouraged to participate.
All traffic must occur around the following international naval frequencies on amateur radio bands: 1824 kHz; 3520 kHz; 7020 kHz; 10,118 kHz; 14,052 kHz; 21,052 kHz, and 28,052 kHz. The primary working frequency is 14,052 kHz. There is no power limit. Participants exchange QSA (signal strength, 1-5), QRK (readability, 1-5), name, call sign of last or favorite ship/aircraft/maintenance company, and “additionally a tr, msg and/or a QTC, if you like.”
Submit an email or letter detailing stations worked to Rolf Marschner, Narzissenweg 10 53359, Rheinbach, Germany.