23-Centimeter Band in Region 1 Under Discussion Ahead of WRC-23

In advance of World Radiocommunication Conference 23 (WRC-23), the amateur radio allocation at 1240 – 1300 MHz (23 centimeters) remains in the spotlight in International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Region 1 (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa). Chair of International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 Spectrum Affairs Barry Lewis, G4SJH, reported that preparatory work continued during the February 15 – 19 meeting of ITU-R Working Party 4C. Also representing the IARU was Ole Garpestad, LA2RR, with other IARU members present within national delegations from Australia, Brazil, Canada, and the US. The 23-centimeter WRC agenda item has initiated technical studies focusing on coexistence between the amateur services and the Galileo GPS (radio navigation satellite service or RNSS). The IARU participated in the meeting and delivered key information on amateur activities in this microwave band.

“This information is vital to ensure the amateur services are realistically represented in the studies as they move forward,” Lewis said. “It remains vital that national amateur communities present their views on the importance of this band to their national regulators in a consolidated and consistent manner.” To assist, IARU Region 1 is developing supporting material that member societies can refer to when addressing the topic with national regulators.

Work on this topic will continue throughout the year and beyond, both in ITU-R and in the Regional Telecommunications Organizations (RTOs). The Summary Meeting Report for the Working Party 4C meeting says, “The only administration that can be considered supportive toward proper treatment of the Amateur Services in this work is Germany.” It encouraged support from outside Europe. Working Party 4C will meet again in July. — Thanks to AMSAT News Service and AMSAT-UK


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