An Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact between youngsters and youth in Moldova and an International Space Station (ISS) crew member is set for March 3. The Moldova Peace Corps (MPC) is the hosting organization, and 90 students (aged 10 – 18) from a consortium of educational institutions, rural schools, and libraries from nine Moldovan villages will participate.
MPC promotes economic and civic development with a particular focus on developing local resources in rural and suburban communities. Another focus of MPC is to provide youth in Moldovan villages with access to STEM opportunities and build capacity among local teachers/librarians to implement STEM activities in their curricula.
During the multipoint telebridge contact, students will take turns asking questions of astronaut Mike Hopkins, KF5LJG. ARISS team member David Payne, NA7V, in Oregon will serve as the relay amateur radio station.
In support of this contact, the MPC partnered with the staff at the Centre of Excellence for Space Sciences and Technologies within the Technical University of Moldova (UTM), the US Peace Corps Volunteer Coordinator, and the participating schools and libraries. The contact will be livestreamed via the MPC and UTM Facebook pages.