Here is a brief information release regarding Radio SL8SUB, the 1st Submarine Flotillas official military amateur radio call sign:
The 1st Submarine Flotilla, within The Swedish Armed Forces, is located in Karlskrona, in the east southernmost part of Sweden.
We have been operating military amateur radio on HF and VHF, on FM, CW, AM and SSB, from i.e. the following submarines:
– HMUb Halsingland (Hgd; now decommissioned),
– HMUb Uppland (Upd; as berthed, as /MM and as submerged),
– HMUb Ostergotland (Ogd),
– HMUb Spiggen (Spi; midget submarine, now decommissioned), and also from:
– HMSwS Belos (Bel; as berthed and as /MM), our diving and submarine salvage ship.
Furthermoore from the decomissioned submarines Hajen, U3 and HMUb Nordkaparen (Nor).
Our very first QSO from an operative submarine was made at HMUb Hgd in August 2003, from Gothenburg, on the Swedish west coast. SL8SUB normally participates in IMSWE, the International Museum Ships Weekend Event, in the beginning of June every year.
QSL direct via manager SM6DQR, preferably by SASE, or send them to the SM Bureau.
Our QSL cards is reprinted during spring-summer 2019, causing a delay in the QSL delivery, so please be a little bit patient – they will come!
GMY &73’s!
(The photo shows HMUb Hgd arriving to Gothenburg Harbour in August 2003, at the 100 year celebration of Swedish Submarines).